
NSW native forests worth more if left standing: Australia Institute report

An economic analysis by The Australia Institute claims that native forest logging in NSW lost $79 million over the last seven years, but could be making a $40 million yearly profit if left standing and allowed access to the Federal Government’s Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF).

The Nature Conservation Council (NCC) and the National Parks Association of NSW, which jointly commissioned …

Forests For All: think big and see the benefits grow

NPA’s vision for public native forests
Our forests provide safe, well-connected habitats for native wildlife, the benefits forests provide to the people of NSW are maximised, and forests help NSW become a world leader in nature-based tourism, recreation and outdoor education.

The current state of play
The people of NSW have two million hectares of public native forests …

Forests for All

Executive summary

The coming years offer a historic opportunity to protect public native forests, the wildlife they support and the services they provide to people. As the Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs) expire in the coastal forests of NSW, The National Parks Association of NSW (NPA) is proposing an exit from logging public native forests so that forests better deliver benefits …