2017 Department Primary Industries Press Release promoting burning up to 1 million hectares of North Coast NSW native forests for electricity

The residues report on which this public statement is based states “we only considered logs that met the specifications for pulpwood …. (typically 10 cm small end diameter overbark, and a minimum of 2.5 m in length – no species restrictions – and the crown was typically left in the forest)…. Extracting pulpwood only, means that a significant proportion of the residues generated (stump, bark, leaves, small branches, large and defective stem sections) are left in the forest”

The pulp logs come from compartments that are home to threatened species. This will be mass tree removal for a ‘pseudo’ renewable energy industry that will actually damage climate emitting emissions from combustion into the atmosphere and degraded the forest’s capacity to function as a carbon sink, (and store).

Note: the residue report states crown, bark, leaves and small branches will be left in the forest. This is an extremely dangerous initiative that will add to forest fuel load.

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