Resources – NSW

“Agency: The state-owned Forestry Corporation (FCNSW) manages two million hectares of commercial native forests and plantations. It is responsible to the Treasurer and Finance Minister.

Wood volumes: There are no legislated wood supply requirements but the Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (IFOA) sets out maximum sawlog volumes for each region and in the Eden region maximum pulplog volumes for the 20-year duration of the approval signed in 2018.

Dominant companies: Boral dominates in northern NSW. In the south Allied Natural Wood Exports (ANWE) operates the Eden woodchip mill and is building a sawmill. (Blue Ridge sawmill at Eden appears likely to close.)

Threatened fauna

The capacity to produce the quantities of wood prescribed in the IFOA depends on intensifying logging at the expense of Koalas, Greater Gliders, Sooty, Powerful and Masked Owls, Glossy Black Cockatoos and a host of other species reliant on hollow-bearing trees, mature forest and riparian zones. The Eden region of southern NSW has already been subjected to a concerted program over two decades to convert multi-aged forest to the ‘regrowth’ preferred for woodchips, and this model of large-scale virtual clearfell is to be replicated across 140,000 hectares of coastal forests in north-east NSW where the Great Koala National Park is proposed. The NSW government instigated a research program – led by the Forestry Corporation – to assess the impact of intensive harvesting on koalas – after the new ‘intensive harvesting zone’ was implemented.

Regulation and standing: The NSW EPA is a statutory authority responsible for regulating native forest logging. Third parties in NSW are prevented from bringing proceedings alleging breaches of an RFA or an IFOA.” excerpt The 2013 One Stop Chop report.



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  • Koalas Need Our Native Forests - End the Subsidies that Destroy our Forests

    Did you know that we foot the bill for koala habitat to be chopped down? The NSW government has given the native forest logging industry $79 million in subsidies.

    NE NSW - Lorraine Vass (Friends of the Koala), Caroline Joseph (Bellingen Environment Centre).

  • The Impacts of Native Forestry

    Habitat loss and fragmentation in NSW, due to land clearing and urban development, has already resulted in koalas disappearing from 75% of their former range. Most of the remaining high quality koala habitat lies in State Forests and on private land where clearing of native vegetation and logging is leading to the removal of vital food and habitat trees. If nothing is done to protect and reconnect koala habitat, population declines will continue unabated and extinction is sadly inevitable.

  • RFA Renewals and significance to NSW and Australia

    Regional Forest Agreements are the mechanism for corporate control of Australian Native Forests. Clear fell of the carbon sink and destruction of wildlife habitat occurs under the screen of 'sustainable logging. This is utterly unsustainable. The signing away of Australia's public national native forest estate for over 2 decades commenced with the renewal of the Tasmanian RFA August 2017. The renewal of the NSW RFA is being pushed as fast as possible by both Federal and state government. Regional Forest Agreements will result in mass wildlife loss and a rapid increase in the rate of extinction.

  • Kalang

    This short documentary depicts the beauty and unique ecosystem of the Kalang area and the forests of north-eastern New South Wales, while exposing the unsustainability of past and future logging operations and the destruction of endangered wildlife habitats.

    What can you do to help protect this amazing biodiverse region and its inhabitants?
    - Support the proposed Great Koala National Park:

    - Sign the petition to protect this ancient native forest and its headwaters from logging on

  • Corunna Forest

    Corunna State Forest, scenic back drop to Corunna Lake, Gulaga Mountain and historic Tilba. Home to sea eagles, vulnerable sooty owls and endangered southern brown bandicoots ... enjoy it while you can because it's going to be logged.

    Sign the petition:
    Halt logging in the Corunna State Forest (Compartment 3058) north of Central Tilba.

  • Aunty Maureen and Jane's Pilliga Forest

    There’s a crisis developing in the heart of Australia. It’s centred in a sea of fields and grazing land in North West New South Wales, where there’s an island of green that stretches far, far beyond the horizon.

    But now, a massive coal seam gas (CSG) project run by rogue fossil fuel company, Santos, threatens to change it forever. Up to 850 planned CSG wells are on the verge of ruining this peaceful place.

    Aunty Maureen and Jane Judd are fighting with the local community to keep the Pilliga CSG free. They will do anything it takes to protect their water, their livelihoods, and their culture.

    Stand with Aunty Maureen and Jane to protect the Pilliga: