“Agency: The state-owned Forestry Corporation (FCNSW) manages two million hectares of commercial native forests and plantations. It is responsible to the Treasurer and Finance Minister.
Wood volumes: There are no legislated wood supply requirements but the Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (IFOA) sets out maximum sawlog volumes for each region and in the Eden region maximum pulplog volumes for the 20-year duration of the approval signed in 2018.
Dominant companies: Boral dominates in northern NSW. In the south Allied Natural Wood Exports (ANWE) operates the Eden woodchip mill and is building a sawmill. (Blue Ridge sawmill at Eden appears likely to close.)
Threatened fauna
The capacity to produce the quantities of wood prescribed in the IFOA depends on intensifying logging at the expense of Koalas, Greater Gliders, Sooty, Powerful and Masked Owls, Glossy Black Cockatoos and a host of other species reliant on hollow-bearing trees, mature forest and riparian zones. The Eden region of southern NSW has already been subjected to a concerted program over two decades to convert multi-aged forest to the ‘regrowth’ preferred for woodchips, and this model of large-scale virtual clearfell is to be replicated across 140,000 hectares of coastal forests in north-east NSW where the Great Koala National Park is proposed. The NSW government instigated a research program – led by the Forestry Corporation – to assess the impact of intensive harvesting on koalas – after the new ‘intensive harvesting zone’ was implemented.
Regulation and standing: The NSW EPA is a statutory authority responsible for regulating native forest logging. Third parties in NSW are prevented from bringing proceedings alleging breaches of an RFA or an IFOA.” excerpt The 2013 One Stop Chop report.
- Help save our native forests from logging - NPA NSW petition
- Please sign this petition now opposing the Government's proposal to make large areas of protected oldgrowth forests available for logging - NEFA
- Support the proposed Great Koala National Park
- Protect the headwaters of the Kalang river now
- NPA NSW - Forests For All seeks to protect public native forests and end damaging industrial logging.
- Koalas in NSW are in crisis. Will you sign the petition to end deforestation?
- Great Southern Forest
- Creating Dried Out Highly Flammable Stick Production Forests
- Koala Injured By Logging
- Logging Driving Our Species To Extinction
- Machines
- Our Forests New Future A5 Print
- Remains Of Forest After Industrialised Logging
- Lower North Coast 19 May 2015 Intensive Logging
- What The World Needs To Know About NSW Native Forests Logging
Image Gallery
Logging Meme 7
Logging Meme 1
Frustrated Koala
Boral Biofuture
Pavey Quote
Milligans Rd Broken Bago May 2016
Milligans Road Broken Bago Clear Fell In Native Forest
Only Blackbutt Left For Seed In Native Forest
Post Log Burns Ensure Blackbutt Regen Expense Other Species Conversion Of NF
NSW_Woodchipping Our Wildlife Away Banners3
NSW_Woodchipping Our Wildlife Away Banners
NSW_Logging Our Wildlife Away Banners4
NSW_Logging Our Wildlife Away Banners2