What are Hazard Reduction Burns, Are We Doing Enough Of Them And Could They Have Stopped Australia’s Catastrophic Bushfires?

What Are Hazard Reduction Burns, Are We Doing Enough Of Them And Could They Have Stopped Australia’s Catastrophic Bushfires

10 January 2020 – Fire Chiefs And Premiers – ABC News

“As Australia’s eastern states endure the most widespread and intense bushfires we’ve ever seen, experts, politicians and social media pundits are again debating whether the country needs more hazard reduction burns.

Some argue that poorly managed fuel loads are the main culprit behind the increasing fire threat and we need to ramp up deliberate burns.

Others say that while hazard reduction burns are useful for risk reduction, they
are not the “silver bullet” some proclaim, and their benefits are sometimes outweighed by costs and risks.”

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