3 January 2020 – ABC Podcast
Greg Mullins Former NSW Fire Commissioner Talks Tough On Bushfire Response
Former NSW Fire and Rescue Commissioner, Greg Mullins, has long been campaigning to get more resources for firefighters and has strong views on what governmental responses to the current bushfire crisis should be.
As communities across Australia continue to battle unprecedented bushfires, desperately trying to stop walls of flames tearing through entire towns, native bush and farmland, the debate over resourcing and the impact of climate change continues to bubble under the surface.
We’ve already seen many lives lost, over eleven hundred properties destroyed, state governments declaring states of emergency and thousands being evacuated from fire affected and threatened areas.
Predictions are for the fires to continue well into 2020 and the forecasters tell us that much needed rain is still months away.
In December, after weeks of insisting professional and volunteer firefighters had all the resources they need, Prime Minister Scott Morrison answered a call from the nation’s fire chiefs and announced 11-million dollars in funding to go towards aerial firefighting efforts.
But many Australians are wondering why yet more is not being done.
Duration: 19min 10sec Broadcast: Fri 3 Jan 2020, 6:00am