A Burning Issue Forest Fires Make More Fires

A Burning Issue Forest Fires Make More Fires 
7 August 2018 – Ecological Society of Australia

The most comprehensive analysis ever performed of fires in the Australian Alps has revealed that fire has made the forests more likely to burn. Frequent fire increases the risk of fire and of ecosystem collapse in mountain forests, which are highly vulnerable to climate change.

‘My research contradicts one of the central assumptions in Australian fire management – that forest simply accumulates fuel over time and becomes increasingly flammable,’ says Dr Philip Zylstra, a research fellow from the University of Wollongong.

‘Fires in the Australian Alps National Parks have been smaller and less severe in long-unburnt forests. This finding applies regardless of forest type in the Alps.’

‘The fire season is lengthening and becoming more severe in Australia, in line with global trends. With an increase in lightning activity, this has the potential to greatly increase the impact of fire on forests and other ecosystems.’

Dr Zylstra’s study measured 36 million locations over 1.5 million hectares from 58 years of mapped fires in the 12 national parks and reserves that make up the Australian Alps national parks.

‘The greatest difference happens in tall, wet ash forests, which are highly flammable until maturity. But an unburnt, mature Ash forest is more than eight times less likely to burn than younger ash forests. Mature ash forest is the least flammable place in the mountains.’

‘Old forests need to be protected. We should nurse older regrowth into its mature stages. This will help the forests survive and make them more resistant to climate change.’

‘Frequent fire can even change tall, wet forest into open forest, which is in itself more flammable.’
(Full text at link)