Meeting Future Market Demand – Australia’s Forest Products and Forest Industry

The Forest Industry Advisory Council is not focused on how to conserve Australian Native Forests but how to exploit them.  This document ‘Meeting Future Market Demand’ ignores the fact that even meeting present demand has decimated Australian native forests.

There is much rhetoric in this document.  It plays on historical circumstances and nostalgia for former times, when there were less people and more forest.

The statistics regarding exports and employment from the industrial logging of Australian native forests take no account of income and jobs generated from other forest uses.

In insisting the native forest logging sector is an important part of the social fabric of these communities, the document ignores the conflict generated in regional communities by unsustainable logging of native forests.  Even long term forestry families and community leaders involved in logging for generations have gone on the public record to expose that native forests are being over logged and that the saw log industry is in collapse.

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