Logging in National Parks is good for vulnerable species says the timber industry

This ABC item Senator Richard Colbeck FIAC Founder Proponent Of Nil Tenurefrom 2015 exposes that National Party’s determination to gain access to National Parks and other protected areas for logging, and its agenda to have the logging industry become the manager of forested lands across Australia.

Some extracts from the article:

Timber NSW says controlled logging should be allowed in the state’s national parks and Crown lands as well as in state forests.

That view is supported by Senator Richard Colbeck, Parliamentary Secretary to Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce.

It is significant that the Forest Industry Advisory Council (FIAC) which now fashions federal government policy, was set up by Senator Colbeck, principal political advocate of what the National Party calls its ‘nil tenure’ campaign, i.e. to get rid of categories like national parks and treat all forested lands in the same manner, making them ‘accessible’ to industry ‘improvement’ – logging.


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