Increasing Global Demand
Addressing the big four drivers of deforestation
Conference 7 MAY 2018 at the UNFCCC, World Conference Center
“Addressing the big four drivers of deforestation”
Just four key commodities – beef, soy, palm oil and wood (for bioenergy, paper and timber), are by far the leading cause of global deforestation and forest degradation, a key cause of climate change that also significantly undermines the climate resilience of countries …
Wood Products Trade Between China and Australia 2017
China imported mainly woodchips and logs from Australia. In the first half of 2017 China’s woodchips and log imports from Australia were 1.93 million tonnes and 2.25 million cubic metres respectively.
Chip imports grew 4% year on year and log imports were up 28% year on year in the first half of 2017.
China’s increasing wood imports
China’s huge wood demand will inevitably increase as of 2016. Source: Forestry Expo Co NZ
China’s Natural Forest Protection Program is to abolish commercial logging of natural forests by 2017. Bans already exist in three key north-eastern provinces and elsewhere.
The ban on logging state-owned forests as of 2017 will also extend to privately owned land by the end of …