Great News May 3rd 2018 ! Queensland restores laws to prevent most broadscale land clearing

Great – Fantastic – Inspiring News !!

.Ellenborough RiverRainforest Walks

On 3rd May, the Queensland Parliament passed deforestation laws restoring pre-Premier Campbell Newman protections which his government took away. In some places the new laws provide more protection to regenerating forest. There are still some loopholes but what a win for the fantastic campaigners who took this matter on – and Won

AFCA would like to congratulate the Wilderness Society and the Queensland Conservation Council and all others who fought so hard to win this. Please let us know if you had a role in it – we have not been totally up with this issue and would love to hear the story. Apologies if we have missed mention of key players. We’d like to hear more about how you did it.

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