Invasive species threat to Tasmanian wildlife exacerbated by logging

Here are references to scientific articles on how logging is threatening crucially endangered species in Tasmania

Birdlife Australia calls for immediate end to the Tasmanian RFA and logging on Bruny Island

This June 2017 media release by Australia’s oldest conservation organisation calls for an immediate halt: to logging of critical Swift parrot breeding habitat in southern Tasmanian forests, and the Tasmanian Regional Forestry Agreement (RFA) pushing the species to extinction

Parrots and Politics Collide in Tasmania’s Trashed Forests, Forbes Science November 17, 2017 Logging of old growth threatening swift parrot extinction

Conservation biologists were stunned that Australia’s critically endangered swift parrot habitat, including old growth in Tasmania’s forests had been clear cut. Describing this as inexcusable, ornithologist Mark Holdsworth reminds people that a tree doesn’t produce hollows for at least 120 years. Tasmania’s logging rotation cycles means the trees being cut will never be replaced in time, not in our …

Talking Point: Billion-dollar loss shows forestry finances need overhaul by John Lawrence, The Mercury, November 9, 2017

This comprehensive analysis of subsidisation of the Tasmanian forestry industry reveals that since its peak in 2004 Forestry Tasmania (which now likes to term itself Sustainable Timber Tasmania) lost more than $1 billion from forestry activities