Federal Court grants temporary injunction to stop VicForests logging 24th April 2018

The Federal Court in Melbourne granted a temporary injunction to stop VicForests logging in six areas in Victoria’s Central Highlands that are home to the threatened Greater Glider after an undertaking made previously by VicForests lapsed and the state-owned agency started logging in some areas that are subject to an ongoing case brought by Environmental Justice Australia on behalf of …

Case to proceed to test VicForests’ non-compliance with forest agreement

Allegations that state logging agency VicForests failed to identify and protect Leadbeater’s Possums, Greater Gliders and their habitat in accordance with the Central Highlands Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) are to be tested in the Federal Court in May, as it was upheld on 20th April 2018 that the case should proceed.

The new allegations are in an amended statement …

Woodchipping our Water, Goulburn Catchment Report by the Australian Conservation Foundation

The Acheron Valley is featured in this report of the impacts of industrial logging under Victorian Regional Forest Agreements. It covers: timber extraction, impact of logging on water production, carbon and wet eucalypt forests, resilience to bushfire, biodiversity protection and ecosystem resilience and a suggestion for transition and a structural adjustment package for exiting native forest logging


TITLE: Victorian forest department in court – again – for illegal logging

The Sydney Morning Herald’s Adam Carey covered legal action against VicForests on 8 March 2018

Victoria’s state-owned forestry corporation has been charged with illegal logging of a rainforest in East Gippsland after a near two-year investigation.

The Andrews government’s Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning is pursuing VicForests over alleged destruction of a protected section of native forest near …

Things fall apart: why do the ecosystems we depend on collapse?

This article by David Lindenmeyer, Professor at the Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University is pertinent not only to Victoria’s situation but to the whole of Australia.

He writes: ‘The closure of the Hazelwood power station in Victoria is a classic example of a lack of planning for industry transition. The need to close Hazelwood was discussed …