How do you capture every rain drop from the sky, how is it
possible and what difference would that make for our farmers?
The Soils For Life organisation is determined to work out how it can capture more rain for Australian farmers and the landscape.
Their work is based on the 100-drop scenario developed by a scientist called Walter Jehne, as explained by Soils For Life chief of staff Natalie Williams.
“For every 100 drops of rain that fall on Australian landscapes and soils, these drops can be divided up according to where they end up,” Ms Williams said.
“Thirty-six drops go into the landscape itself, of that 30 go to vegetation, keeping grass green and trees growing and only six of those drops go into recharging the aquifers.”
Another 14 drops of the 100 go into creeks and rivers and eventually out to sea or Lake Eyre, depending on where you are located.
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