NSW Biomass Power Generation by Liz Ingham – 23 August 2020

NSW Biomass Power Generation by Liz Ingham – 23 August 2020

In August 2020 the NSW Department of Energy made claims that bagasse (sugar cane waste) was the predominant source of NSW biomass combusted for energy production.
This research compiled by Liz Ingham was circulated (and tabled) at the 2020 NSW Parliamentary Enquiry committee hearing into NSW future energy supply (The NSW Enquiry report is not yet released at 16 March 2021).

The point was made that the government’s own databases (as interrogated by Liz) proved that the NSW Department of Energy’s claims that bagasse was the major feedstock were false, and that it was wood that was the predominant biomass fuel for bioenergy. This point was made was in the context of the 2020 push by both the NSW and Federal govt efforts to expand bioenergy.

NSW Biomass Power Generation by Liz Ingham – 23 August 2020
1. The largest biomass fuel source for electricity in NSW is wood
2. Which biomass fuel sources are burned for electricity under the RET in NSW?
3. Which NSW power stations are burning wood to make electricity?
4. What biomass fuel sources are the big sugar mills using in NSW?

Appendix 1: Register of NSW Accredited Power Stations for bagasse and ‘wood waste’
Appendix 2: Energy Sources used by Accredited Power stations